

Temperatures during the winter months were mild, rarely ever falling below 0°C. Thanks also to a serene and mild spring which was not rainy, the plants developed well and slightly ahead of schedule when compared with the previous year. July and August were hot, but without extreme peaks in heat, thus enabling the grapes to ripen normally. During the months of September and October, morning fog and occasional rains, alternating with sunny days, allowed botrytis to “attack” the grapes in a gradual manner without presenting a risk to their health. Harvesting began in the last ten days of October with the traminer grapes, followed by riesling and sauvignon, and ending with grechetto towards the end of November.


The grapes come from the vineyards of Castello della Sala, situated between 200 and 350 meters above sea level on clay soils which are rich in marine fossils. The grapes were hand picked in several phases, depending on the progress of the Botrytis Cinerea. After being taken to the winery, grape bunches were again sorted by hand on a conveyor belt. This was followed by a light pressing without destemming. After the pressing, the must was fermented for 18 days at a temperature of approximately 17°C. The sweet wine which was thus obtained was transferred into French oak barrels (Alliers e Tronçais), where it remained for approximately 6 months before being blended and bottled.

Historical Data

Muffato della Sala is produced with grapes with “noble rot”, harvested in late October and early November to allow the morning mists to develop of Botrytis Cinerea, or noble rot on the grape berries. This type of mould concentrates the water of the crop, its sugars, and its aromas, endowing the Muffato della Sala with a harmonious and unmistakable fragrance. The first year to be produced was the 1987 and consisted of the blend of varieties such as Sauvignon Blanc (50%); Grechetto (30%) and Drupeggio (20%). The composition of the blend has varied over the years and now has attained its definitive results. Muffato della Sala is a fascinating wine, an expression, in small quantities, of the nature of a unique terroir.

Tasting Notes

The color is golden yellow. It is a wine with very intense aromas and taste, characterized by floral and honey-like flavors followed by fresh, almost citrusy notes. Even in its youth it is already well-balanced.


Temperatures during the winter months were mild, rarely ever falling below 0°C. Thanks also to a serene and mild spring which was not rainy, the plants developed well and slightly ahead of schedule when compared with the previous year. July and August were hot, but without extreme peaks in heat, thus enabling the grapes to ripen normally. During the months of September and October, morning fog and occasional rains, alternating with sunny days, allowed botrytis to “attack” the grapes in a gradual manner without presenting a risk to their health. Harvesting began in the last ten days of October with the traminer grapes, followed by riesling and sauvignon, and ending with grechetto towards the end of November.

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