

The 2020 growing season will be remembered for dry weather trends. Winter saw virtually no rainfall and temperatures were never too extreme nor severe. Spring arrived slightly later than previous years and was dominated by mild daytime weather and by temperatures above seasonal averages, except for a few cool spells at the beginning of April. From June to Ferragosto (August 15th) hot, dry conditions brought the grapes to maturity earlier than usual. Harvesting began during the second half of August with healthy, fully ripe grapes with excellent freshness and an optimal aromatic profile.


Grapes were brought to the cellar, destemmed and gently crushed. The must and the skins were chilled to a temperature of 10 °C (50 °F) for a short period of maceration, approximately 2-4 hours, in order to enhance flavors and extract the grape variety’s aromatic profile. After clarification in stainless steel vats, the different lots were handled separately, some went into oak and some into stainless steel vats where alcoholic fermentation occurred at a controlled temperature of 16-18 °C (61-64 °F); only the oak fermented lots underwent malolactic fermentation. The wine was then blended and bottled.

Historical Data

Bramito della Sala is produced from the vineyards surrounding the medieval castle at Castello della Sala. One variety that thrives in this terroir is Chardonnay. The vineyards are on soils rich in fossil deposits with veins of clay that give the wine minerality and elegance. Bramito della Sala’s first vintage was 1994.

Tasting Notes

Bramìto della Sala 2020 is straw yellow in color. The nose opens with notes of white flower blossoms followed by light citrusy sensations. Its palate is crisp, full-bodied and delivers easy drinkability. Its pleasant mineral character accents a pleasantly savory finish.


The 2020 growing season will be remembered for dry weather trends. Winter saw virtually no rainfall and temperatures were never too extreme nor severe. Spring arrived slightly later than previous years and was dominated by mild daytime weather and by temperatures above seasonal averages, except for a few cool spells at the beginning of April. From June to Ferragosto (August 15th) hot, dry conditions brought the grapes to maturity earlier than usual. Harvesting began during the second half of August with healthy, fully ripe grapes with excellent freshness and an optimal aromatic profile.

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