

The 2015 vintage was initially characterized by a cold and damp winter. Low temperatures and abundant precipitation led to a slight delay in pruning operations, which terminated during the first week of March. Ample ground water in the soil and rising temperatures during the month of April assisted an excellent budding and development of vine vegetation. Spring gave way to a typically Mediterranean summer, one marked by high temperatures and scarce rainfall along with important temperature swings from daytime heat to evening and nighttime coolness. The grapes intended for a red wine were picked during the first week of October, while those intended for a dried-grape wine remained on the vine and were harvested during the last week of the month.


The crop, picked when perfectly ripe, was divided into two parts: one was fermented immediately, the other placed in a dry and well ventilated space in order to dry and obtain a greater concentration in terms both of aroma and of structure. The two parts were nonetheless fermented in the same identical way once they arrived in the cellar. After a delicate pressing, the must macerated on its skins for approximately one week to extract the complex patrimony of aromas, typical color, and intense and balanced flavors. The wine was then run off its skins and fermented at cool temperatures (below 68° Fahrenheit (20° centigrade). Once the desired amount of residual sugar was reached, the fermentation was halted by means of a sudden drop in fermentation temperatures. The wine was conserved at low temperatures prior to bottling.

Historical data

The Aldobrandesca farm is situated near the historic hamlet of Sovana in southern Tuscany. The first vintage to be produced was the 1997. This wine is distinguished by its personality, its drinking pleasure, and by the typical aromatic richness of its nose and palate.

Tasting notes

The wine surprises by its intense ruby color. The initial scents of wild roses give way to aromas of fresh red fruit. The palate is ample, enveloping, and velvety with a perfect balance between sweetness and a vibrant acidity.

Aleatico 2015


The 2015 vintage was initially characterized by a cold and damp winter. Low temperatures and abundant precipitation led to a slight delay in pruning operations, which terminated during the first week of March. Ample ground water in the soil and rising temperatures during the month of April assisted an excellent budding and development of vine vegetation. Spring gave way to a typically Mediterranean summer, one marked by high temperatures and scarce rainfall along with important temperature swings from daytime heat to evening and nighttime coolness. The grapes intended for a red wine were picked during the first week of October, while those intended for a dried-grape wine remained on the vine and were harvested during the last week of the month.

Aleatico 2015

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