This visit unfolds between the past, present and future of the family’s history and their longstanding passion for wine, illustrated in a short movie by Cinzia Th. Torrini; “The Antinori’s, Vintners since 1385”, which is where the visit begins. The tour leads guests through the winery’s many areas allowing you to closely admire the iconic spiral staircase, the vineyard that covers the winery’s roof, production areas and the museum area. A wine tasting event will take place inside the museum’s transparent glass-walled room with a view of the family’s magnificent art collection. Three wines will be included in the tasting that are most representative of our estates: Vigna sul Tetto Chianti Classico DOCG Riserva, Cont'Ugo Bolgheri DOC and Bramasole Cortona DOC Syrah.
The selection of wines may change depending on the season and availability.
The visit lasts approximately an hour and a half and includes other guests.
The tours are in Italian or English (tours with a translator can be arranged only by previous agreement) during regular business hours.
Adults: € 45.00 per person. Juniors 17 and under € 10.00. Children 6 and under, free.
Payment with credit card at the end of the reservation. The payment is not refundable.
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